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My New Year's Resolutions

Yes. I am one of those. I love the idea of a new year, a new start, but not a new me. 2017 was fantastic. There was some real bad parts, but they were lessons and stepping stones. There was also great things. Harper hit so many milestones, we moved into a new house, grew in our relationship and love for each other, all while forming and rekindling vital relationships. None the less, it’s a new year. 2018 is going to be epic. I have included my resolutions; in no particular order, in a brain dump arrangement o

f thoughts.

Adventure More

I don’t mean “oh let’s plan this extremely vague trip we may take in a few months”

I am planning and executing a plan for an adventure every month. I love taking Harper outside, I love seeing new things; but I yearn for the soul humbling feeling of being surrounded by beautiful things. A few things I already have planned is backpacking into Glacier National Park, hiking Wilson Peak with my dad, completing the Spartan Race, and visiting Zion National Park. They are planned and ready to go.

Demand What I Deserve

I have spent far too much of my life being a “push over”. People who might have recently met me probably find that hard to believe, because I am extremely fierce in my beliefs now. But when I say I want to demand what I deserve, it may be from Marcus, it may be from loved ones, it may be from a stranger at Wal-Mart. I just want to be not only respected, but valued in the things that I bring to the table. This is in no way a dig at anyone, I sincerely just want to continue on with bettering my mental health into the New Year.

Re-cultivate Old Passions While Finding New Ones

I used to love art as a child. I still have my youth sketchbooks filled with doodles, writing, and pictures of things that fascinated me. I have recently come back to my love of writing; but I want to do more. I want to draw, take pictures, maybe even try painting or calligraphy. One of my wishes is to teach Harper about art and how to constructively spend time. I would love to give her an easel and paint together, but I would also love to see what things I have in my own mind waiting to come out.

Silverbow Baby

I started this blog as kind of an experiment. I wanted to see if I enjoyed writing, if anyone else was curious as to what I had to say, and what I was capable of. I love to do it, but did not put as much time into it as I had originally planned. I want to change that. I want to make it more user friendly, mobile and desktop, reach more people; I want to consistently put out content. I have also considered doing a few vlogs this year. I have a few things I am working on currently, and look forward to the changes being made soon.

Inspire and Be Inspired

Talking of being inspired correlates with previous thoughts. I want to go outside, write more, draw more. But I also want to read more books, learn new things; try some new recipes. I want to get together with people who love the same things as me and have soul reaching conversations. I want this to be a year of growth and intellect. I might sound like a corny Pinterest post, but I have seen the potential of the human mind while becoming a mom and want to fully utilize it. I also want to provide some inspiration. Whether it be a struggling new mom, or a budding writer, or just someone curious about topics I bring up. I want to inspire like I have been inspired by others.


I didn’t know how to label this, because it’s a broad topic. I have some very particular ideas on parenting, and I have kept to almost all of them. I am not going to rag on anyone’s parenting, I just pride myself on my dedication to my daughter’s well being. We do constructive activities, unstructured playtime, coloring (25% coloring 75% eating crayons) and read books all day. My goal for 2018 is to continue on with my role as a mindful and peaceful parent, while helping my toddler to flourish. She is talking; “What is that?”, “mama and dad”. She is finding interests; Dinosuars, play phones, puzzles, She has a taste for healthy and nourishing food; bananas, oranges and raisins are her favorite. She’s just amazing. This has turned into I love my daughter rant, and I do. I can’t wait for 2018 with my best adventure buddy.


Here’s one of my cliche resolutions; clean my house. I love the idea of being tidy and organized, but often fail at keeping up with it. I don’t want to lie and say my house is a spotless sanctuary of solitude; it’s not. It’s Hurricane Harper zone and she’s at full speed. My biggest hope is that she will continue wanting to “help”. She has learned to put like things together; ducks, shoes, blocks. We’re also currently renovating our basement and this will help immensely with space and areas to be alone. Today, after writing this, we’re cleansing our house AND our soul. Sorting and tossing papers, donations to goodwill, scrubbing top to bottom for the New Year. Harper is with her Nana and so we will take a good chunk of time to just get it all done, and then I will use my women’s intuition (Jk I’m going on Pinterest) to integrate some easy access organization options. My biggest piece of advice for a “clean” home with a toddler is to make it easy. I tried sorting toys, making specific areas for things; and it worked a week. So we have 3 baskets for general toys, that she can reach. Books are no longer alphabetical or by size (cringe) because she puts them away herself. Compromise, people.

Mind, Body, Soul

Coming back to the mind and soul; I plan to do lots of activities to help myself. One thing I have realized about myself is I will do something for everyone but me, and think I’m okay, until I’m not. My mother-in-law is an absolute gem in that she will take Harper if I just need a nap, or to sit on my couch and eat 56 oreos; she’s a mom of 4 so she gets it. But I don’t take her up on it much, and I need to learn to take care of myself more. One of my biggest emotions I feel is guilt; guilt for asking for help, for not oding more, for a lot. I want to learn to let go of that, because everyone struggles. I have invested in some great reads, some new journals, and plan to do lots of soul searching.

Finally, it’s not New Years without a vow to get healthy right? Kind of. I am a generally healthy person; I reached my “goal weight” in 2017, but want to see what my body can do otherwise. Breastfeeding depleted my muscles; I’m skinny yes, but I feel weak. Now that Harper is weaned, I am curious to see what my body will do and what it is capable of. I want to be able to climb mountains, keep up with my daughter; plus I want to get back to a state of health where I am not tired all day. From about October-now I wasn’t too focused on nutrition; and I can tell. I’m irritable, sluggish and just worn out. So I want to treat myself good, from the inside out.

I encourage you to have resolutions; even something as minor as drink more water, to something as epic as I want to climb Everest. Setting and achieving goals is scientifically good for your brain. So make a goal to make your bed, then do it. Make a goal to drink so much water, do it. Your brain will thank you and you will start to reap the benefits.

I wish everyone a fantastic 2018.



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