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My March Favorites

I’m a winter person. Anyone who knows me is aware I have a sick love affair with the holiday season. BUT, I have a baby now and I am ecstatic for spring and summer. I’ve been loving the sunshine and finally getting out of the house. With the turn of seasons there is a turn of things we use on a daily basis. I have been enjoying a fair amount of things lately and decided to do a “March Favorites” list.

POND'S Evening Soothe Towelettes

I have had these since Christmas when Marcus put them in my stocking, but I never got around to them. I used to just get the generic pack of makeup removing wipes, never with any scent. I tried that blue Neutrogena pack once with a scent and it stung so I never tried anymore. I thought, since I already have them, why not? Turns out, I love these. The scent is not overpowering, but you can smell it throughout the night/day. It says it contains chamomile and white tea, and it’s a very fresh scent. I kept smelling my clothes or Marcus and finally realized it was my face. Ha! They left my face feeling smooth without that tightness and extra oil production I’ve experienced with other makeup wipes. I’m about to make lots of people cringe and curse me, but sometimes I’m lucky to get a full face on, let alone get it completely off before bed. So there are times I use these and call it good. Sometimes the only alone time I get is brushing my teeth and getting ready for bed, but it’s often rushed. I have used these without washing my face and been able to take off most if not all product without irritation and wake up without that super awesome raccoon look. If you’re looking for a first step in your skincare routine or an easy all-in-one I really enjoy these for both.

It's a 10 Miracle Leave-in Plus Keratin

First a little background on my hair. It’s thin, but I have a lot. I wear my hair up a lot so it has frequent breakage. I recently highlighted my hair again but before that, it had been untouched for over a year. Pregnancy wreaked havoc on my already damaged hair. So when I decided to color it again I knew I needed to take care of it. Not coloring it for along time really helped it heal, and it grew quite a bit after I had Harper. But it’s still fragile, I was never blessed with long thick hair. I had researched far too long about products I wanted to use. Along with more of a routine; I recently picked this up in Bozeman and have been super pleased. I mean it’s not a one in all miracle product that leaves me looking like those obnoxiously perfect Pantene models, BUT my hair isn’t as dry and it doesn’t break off when I put my hair up anymore. I spray it on right when I get out of the shower, then wrap my hair up in my super stylish towel turban and then comb through last. My hair is the healthiest it’s been since I was about 14, and this stuff really does help with making it feel “silky”.

L'Oreal Colour Riche Balm

I’ve tried expensive products and I’ve tried dirt cheap and I still LOVE this product. I had it a year or two ago and stopped; I recently found it again and I use it daily. Have you ever done your whole face up like caked that makeup on (or not) but even put some lip products on for it to either gather in weird looking dry skin patches of jumbled up product or for it to just “sit” on your lips and look terrible? No? Just me? Just kidding. But really, this stuff is “nourishing’ like it says. I’ve put it on over the bits of product left over from application and it sinks into your lips. It’s like the best chapstick ever but has a good taste and adds a hint of color. It’s almost like a lip oil without the bad aftertaste and it doesn’t just slick off. I really can’t ever get enough of this. Plus if you’re super busy and don’t have time to constantly check your face or want something you don’t need a mirror to apply, this is all you girl. You can put it on like chapstick, smack them lips and continue on trying to keep it together while your adorable child yanks the living crap out of your hair. Have you ever looked in the mirror and realized in horror your lipstick is half way off or looks like you put it on over a pair of overly dry lips? Mhhhhmmm. I could go on all day about this ‘cause I really do love it. AND it’s 6$? I have the color “Nourishing Nude”.

L'Oreal Infallible Pro-Matte Foundation

I have a love hate relationship with this. It’s about 70% love, though. I had recently decided I wanted a new foundation. I have fairly good skin, not many breakouts but slight discoloration around the eyes. And by discoloration I mean I need sleep. But I switch up my makeup looks. Some days I want a glowy natural look and some days I want a painted warrior face. For those days I had read and seen videos on this and decided to give it a go. With proper application it is beautiful. It really is, it was the perfect color as well. Dried perfectly matte with a powder like texture and it lasted through work, a full workout, and my baby drooling on me all day. A few things I don’t love are you have to do it in sections. None of that a few dots here and there and blend. It dries VERY quick and you’ll get those awful unblended lines. I didn’t realize that and just slabbed some on one morning with my hands (cringe) and even my boyfriend asked what was up with my face. Talk about embarrassing. So you have to take your time, that’s not a product problem that’s just a me problem. Second you have to have a completely fresh, clean flawless canvas to work with. I used makeup wipes, went to bed, woke up and primed and tried this and the outcome was quite horrible. Which once again that is my own fault, like clean yo’ face girl. But with a freshly clean face, a good primer, this foundation is beautiful. I was sincerely surprised. I know that there are good drugstore options and I have found them. But finding a foundation with staying power, color options, and no oxidizing (oompa loompa orange face) was a jackpot. I have a neutral, yellow undertone and this worked well. I wear the color “101 Classic Ivory”.

NYX Tame & Frame Brow Pomade

Brows are the thing. I tried the powders, the pomades, the pencils. I used to use the Anastasia Pomade, and I did love it. Who doesn’t? But I read that this was a good dupe, and it is. I’ll be honest I don’t notice a difference other than I’m 20 bucks richer and the packaging isn’t as beautiful. I use the shade brunette but I will get the taupe next time. One difference I did notice was that it dried out quicker, you can’t leave the lid off as much. But there’s me being smart again. I’ve had this one for 6 months now, and still going strong and have started to use it every day as of this month when I ran out of the other. Want some fleeky brows but can’t afford the higher end product? Try it out.

These are just a few things I’ve been loving. I do tend to mix higher end products with more affordable ones, and I also switch A LOT. Finding something that fits all the needs you have is rough, finding something like that which will also fit into my schedule with little busy Harper is even harder. What products have you been loving? I plan to do some more of these, including ones with baby products as well.

I hope you enjoyed this, and Happy April!



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